Hassle free heating for your holiday home

Holiday homes are places to relax and enjoy, where we hope to have a pleasant and uneventful stay. The last thing you want is to arrive to burst pipes or a faulty boiler! That’s the reason that remote heating control is becoming increasingly popular among owners of second homes. A mobile phone app allows you turn your heating on remotely before your arrival. That doesn’t just mean you’ll arrive to a cosy house; you can also check whether the temperature is rising correctly or you need to call a heating engineer, fast.


β€˜Zoned’ heating systems let you control each room’s heating individually. These are less common in second homes, but they can bring a couple of advantages in larger properties. Firstly, if your house is often used by groups of different sizes, it makes it easy to heat only the bedrooms they’ll use. Heat Genius has the unique feature of being able to switch heating on when motion is detected. So if your guests start using a room you thought they wouldn’t, they’ll be warm within minutes.


Secondly, Heat Genius’ room sensors also measure temperature, so will fire up your boiler if any of the rooms get too cold. If parts of your house get colder than others, this will help prevent burst pipes. Of course, you’re also able to see each room temperature in your app, so you’ll have added peace of mind that none of your house is getting dangerously cold. Best of all, Heat Genius is the only home heating control system that can function entirely automatically, letting you focus on enjoying your holiday.


A unique aspect of Heat Genius is that you can start with a simple system that just remotely controls your boiler, then easily expand it with extra valves for rooms that are only used sometimes, or sensors for the coldest reaches of your property. Perhaps it’s worth the investment, if only for the peace of mind? After all, there are more pleasant things to think about on holiday than your heating!

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