New: Wet Underfloor heating control

We’re delighted to announce that underfloor heating control is available to order!

You can now schedule zone valves (e.g. for ‘wet’ underfloor heating circuits) as well as underfloor heating wiring centres, via the app, just like radiators. You can seamlessly control any combination of radiators and zone valves within a single system, via a single Genius Hub.

How to order a system with underfloor or zone valves
First, check the make and model of your wiring centre. This is the box that is wired into the actuators on your underfloor manifold – or if you have a single zone of underfloor heating, you can just control the underfloor heating pump. Type the make and model into our underfloor compatibility checker, and take a note of the “connection type”. If your wiring centre is incompatible, it will need to be replaced; please contact us for details.

Then go to our Create Your System page, to input the details of your heating system and what you’d like to control. Or if you’ve already got a Genius Hub system for your radiators and would like to add zone valve control, get in touch with us or your local installer.

Electric underfloor control (coming soon)
At the moment, Genius Hub can only be used for simple scheduling of electric heating. We’ll soon release a unit that will offer full temperature control for all common types of electric heating, including underfloor. It’ll be fully compatible with our current Genius Hub, so you can install Genius Hub today and add electric underfloor later. Or if you prefer, please join our electric heating waiting list and you’ll be the first to know when we launch it.

Any questions?
Have a look on the Questions section of our web site for our newly updated and expanded knowledge base. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, you’ll be able to easily send us a message from there.

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